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The Faith That Works

Learn How to Break the Chains in Your Life With Bishop Edir Macedo

The Faith That Works

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”( Matthew 11:28).

The question is: how to go to Jesus?
He extends this invitation to all people: man, woman, thief, thug corrupt, whoever. God does not see a person as he sees himself in a mirror. he sees him. as a soul and wants to d=save him.

when a person’s soul is healded, their entire body is healded as well. Then, his body recovers, he no longer feels pain and his spirit starts to understand the greatness of God. But for that to happen, it is necessary to act on Faith.

If a person demands the answer from this invisible God and speaks honestly and pure with Him. Even if in a bold, courageous, and revolted way with his situation, He hears and answers him.

He is the God of “now” and “amen” to improvements. So, even if the person is at rock bottom, even if he is in a prison, for example, the important thing is that he expresses his Faith. If
When a person’s soul is healed, their entire body is healed as well. Then, his body recovers. He no longer feels pain and his spirit starts to understand the greatness of God.

God said to invoke His presence in the day of anguish. Then it necessary to be sincere and cry out to Him and ask for His help.
One should speak to God with revolt and without timidity and express to Him one’s pain through His words. So he will hear him no matter where he is.

The Universal Church
  • Bishop Edir Macedo