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Have You Been Under Attack?
Amelia guarantees that her biggest problems started after the wedding.
“In four years of marriage, I can say that I was happy only in the first year. In the second, we lost respect for each other and fought a lot. His family always wanted to give opinions about our relationship and that only made our situation worse. We even physically attacked each other. We tried to talk, we regretted the bad things we said, but short time later, everything went back to the way it was before or even worse.”After four years, I made the decision to pick up my children and leave the house. I left and went to live in a different place for business. There, my life was still very difficult.
Inside me there was a void. I had a lot of health problems. The doctors diagnosed me with acute depression with symptoms of severe headaches and constant insomnia. I lived on medication. I even smoked two of cigarettes on normal days.
When I was transffered due to my job, I started to see shadows and hear vopices inside the house where there was no one. I couldn’t be happy in any relationship. I was deceieved and betrayed. It was in those difficult moments of my life that I started to vent with a friend from work and it was through her that I heard about the Universal Church.
“I started my process of deliverance which lasted three years of perseverance and faith. I was baptized in the water. I learned to use my faith and after that I started to have the peace and joy that I was lookin for. Today I have no addictions, sadness or emptiness. I am an accomplished and complete woman.” –Amelia.