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On October 1st, 2022 Youths From the United States Held a March Against Suicide

Why Is the March Important?

The HELP Protect is a set part of the Youth Power Group. That is dedicated to helping young people with depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, etc. The youth group of the Universal church understands that a large part of their generation is struggling with these things. They also know that they need help, and for this reason, the HELP Project was created.

On Saturday, October 1st, 2022, the Youth Power Group held a march in New York to raise awareness about suicide. The YPG also wanted to let people know that there is support for people who are depressed and feel that no one will understand their pain. Over 300 youths from all over the United States flew to Brooklyn, New York, for the march.

The Event took place on the Brooklyn bridge, where the youths and their friends gave out cards with motivational messages to encourage people. Also to let them know that the Youth Power Group is here for them.

The youths marched from the Brooklyn bridge to the main church headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. The Youths held up motivational and encouraging signs, sang songs, called out chants, and handed out cards and flyers to invite people to the Youth Group.

What Can They Expect in the YPG?

Inside the youth, people struggling with depression will learn how to overcome depression and the other problems they might be facing.
If you know a youth that has depression, give us a call at 888-332-4141. Also, send a message to the social media YPG.USA or YPGTEXAS.


  • Esperança Nicolau 

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