Article | - 6:10 pm

Generation Z at Risk

Generation Z Are Those Born Between 1997 and 2012

Generation Z are those born between 1997 and 2012. These youths were born in a fully digitized world. Unfortunately, the growth of technology has affected many of their mental health.

According to an article from Harmony Healthcare IT, “The biggest mental health issue Gen Z deals with is anxiety. Nine out of ten Gen Z with diagnosed mental health conditions struggle with anxiety, and nearly eight out of ten (78%) are battling depression.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, young people’s mental health deterioration has intensified.

“For example, during the period of isolation, using social media has undoubtedly brought many benefits. Yet, the influence of social media and excessive exposure to these means of interaction can compromise the perception of reality. Especially that of adolescents. Data from the literature on the subject prove that the dependency on the use of social media provides risks to psychological health. This dependence generates social and emotional problems, such as cyberbullying, depression, anxiety, and disorders related to sleep and food,” says psychologist Patrícia Melo.

Gen Z is undoubtedly growing up in a turbulent time. The Youth Power Group (YPG) understands the risk of social and emotional problems Generation Z may be facing. Through numerous activities, the YPG allows these young people to express themself and receive counseling from coordinators that have overcome similar situations.

In the Youth Power Group, young people are taught to take advantage of this phase to develop skills, make friends that genuinely add something good to their life, and learn more about faith.

If your child, a young adult, is facing any mental health problem or you are facing it. We encourage you to join the YPG Sundays at 1 PM at any Universal Church near you. Call 1-888-332-4141 for more information.

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