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HELP Project

We Don't Judge, Help We

The Youth Power Group at the Universal Church.

The YPG Youth Power Group is a group at the Universal Church for young adults. The YPG focuses on their ministry, family, education, and outreach. One of their main goals is to spread suicide awareness. The Youth Power Group does that through the HELP project.

According to, a study presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting. Found that the number of children and teens admitted to children’s hospitals for thoughts of suicide or self-harm. There are many cases where youths from the YPG, have spoken about their past suicidal thoughts or attempts.

The youths that participate in the HELP project focus on reaching out to the other youths of their communities. By sharing their experiences, the members of the YPG have been able to help many youths that are going through similar situations. With the help of the YPG at The Universal Church, they were able to overcome drugs, addictions, crimes, or any other void and are no longer in that situation. Many have given their testimony of how they were able to overcome and why they are no longer in that situation.

In the YPG, many young people can view life from a different perspective, accept. Who they are and overcome obstacles that come their way. The motivation that drives them is to spread hope and that any problem that they’re facing is not worth dying for.


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