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Does Your Anger Get the Best of You?

Is Your Anger Getting the Best of You?

In general, anger can be defined as a feeling of insecurity, protest, or “aversion towards something or someone,” “a feeling of intense fury that can manifest through physical or verbal aggression.”

First of all, it is necessary to understand that anger is a negative feeling existing in the nature of every human being. It was placed there for a very important reason: to protect us. Anger is aroused whenever someone feels threatened in any way.

It is crucial to say that the problem is not being angry but having no control over it. It is a powerful force. We need to be very careful with it and with what it can lead a person to do.  (Psychiatrist Hebe de Moura)

But how do you avoid an out-of-control emotion? For Hebe de Moura, it is necessary to use reason:

It is important to better understand what is happening at that moment and how to deal with it in a way that causes less harm to yourself or those around you.

If you have not yet managed to find the balance point for the moments of fury, here is a valuable tip to take with you for the rest of your life according to Bishop Jadson:

I find this question a life-saver. Always ask yourself before your actions and attitudes: ‘What would Jesus do if He was in my place?’ If from today on you apply that phrase, you will have more wisdom, more patience, and be calmer.

Uncontrolled anger has its roots. Every Friday we fight against all evil and uproot all the bad roots from your life! Fight for your deliverance today. Visit the nearest location of The Universal Church.


“I Bit a Girl’s Eye and She Almost Went Blind”


A problem with the printer was the reason for Regina’s dismissal from work.

I went to print some documents once, and the printer crashed. I couldn’t get the copies, so I swore loudly and punched the machine. Everyone in the department looked at me, including my boss, who sent me away at once.

I remember that I did not like people asking me for favors unrelated to my job. I did my tasks complaining and angry at the person who had ordered me to do it. With colleagues, I was the bossy friend. Everything had to be my way.

I was angry with people and situations. When my parents wouldn’t let me do what I wanted, I would scream, curse and kick. In a fight with my mother, I took her by the arm and pushed her hard. And I even went out to slap my father. In other words, I didn’t just lose my job, I lost friendships and relationships.

Regina realized that she was alone and that people around her were afraid to talk to her. Hence, she understood that she needed to change.

After the explosions, I was sick with a heavy conscience and depressed. I realized that no one else wanted my friendship, and I heard my family complaining about me. I started looking for alternatives to deal with my emotions and found that they had roots, problems that needed to be solved.
I was an angry child with my classmates. Once at 7, I bit a girl’s eye, and she almost went blind. Today I understand that I acted that way because I witnessed many fights in my house. My parents beat me up a lot, especially my father with belts and punches.

So, she sought emotional and spiritual help.

After listening to a radio program of the Universal Church, I started attending the services. Faith helped me to be transformed. Through prayer, I spoke and still speak to God about everything I feel. I forgave my father. For three years, I constantly controlled my attitudes. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.

Thinking before reacting and having patience with others were attitudes that helped her to change.

Today, in moments of anger, I take deep breaths. If someone pisses me off, I just ignore it, walk away, and don’t answer or shout. I just take a deep breath and wait for that feeling to go away. Then I reflect on what I can do to resolve that situation in the best way.


  • Universal News Ed. 387 

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