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Healed and Restored

Join Us Every Tuesday at Universal Church Near You

“Before I was healed and restored, I was very sick and had sores all over my body. I could not sleep because the discomfort would get worse at night. My skin was very dry and would peel off. It had a devastating effect on my self-esteem because I could not be among people. I felt like an outcast at school because my peers would look at me differently. As a result, I would isolate myself.

I sought help from several places, but I did not find any. Whenever I went to the doctor, I would be fine for a month, and afterward, the sores would always return. I remember one instance when I had to take an entrance exam for a school, and my face was unrecognizable due to the sores I had.

One day, someone invited me to attend a service while passing in front of the Universal Church. I accepted the invitation. The Pastor counseled me and advised me to engage in the chain of prayer for my healing on Tuesdays.

There, I learned how to use the power of faith to fight for my healing, and I was completely healed.

Today, I live a peaceful life. My skin was healed and restored. I can also sleep well at night. I no longer have low self-esteem but am now confident. But above all, I have the assurance that God is with me, said Joyce.

If this is your situation or that of a loved one, we invite you to participate in the Services for Healing on Tuesdays. The meeting aims to teach people how to use their faith to change their health situation. Join us every Tuesday at Universal Church near you.

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