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How to Be God’s Beloved Child

Through Baptism in Water, Every Human Being Becomes a New Creature and a Child of the Most High

Sunday of the Beloved Sons


Soon after being baptized in water, Jesus had this experience:

When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17)


How to Become a Beloved Child of God

Every person who genuinely and fully surrenders to the Creator becomes His beloved child. By living in obedience to His Word, their character and life are transformed into the image and likeness of the Most High.

If this is your true desire, decide to be a new creature on this “Sunday of the Beloved Sons.” The special event will happen in every location of The Universal Church worldwide.

“This Sunday, we will begin baptizing in waters those who are participating in the Campaign of Israel for a New Life at the Jordan River and all those who want a new life—Those who understand what sincere repentance is and want to start a new life to have God as their Father. Just as Jesus left the Jordan River and began His ministry, you, too, will begin a new life after your baptism in water. By following God’s will until your death, you will meet the Father and live with Him for eternity. The Altar will be transformed into the Jordan River. We will place a small amount of water that we brought from there into each baptistery,”  said Bishop Renato Cardoso during the “Intelligence and Faith” program on Wednesday, December 4th.


Sunday of the Beloved Sons

Sunday, December 8th at 10 AM at The Universal Church. For information on locations, please click here. For more information, please call 1-888-332-4141 or text to 1-888-312-4141. You may also contact us via our contact form (click here). All are welcome regardless of religion or background. Come as you are.

For those who live in areas without a location of The Universal Church, are unable to commute, or are unchurched and hesitant to attend in person, you may also connect to our Virtual Church via Zoom Conference.