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Elijah Wanted More

Why Did the Fire Come Down for Elijah? Continue Reading to Learn More...

Who forced Elijah to challenge the prophets of Baal, and offer a sacrifice on Mount Carmel?

Who forced the people who’ve been giving testimonies to put everything on the Altar?

They heard the Voice of God, and had to decide: obey or ignore.

“And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” 1 Kings 18.1

God only told Elijah to present himself to Ahab and that it would rain. But Elijah want- ed more. His revolt against everything that was happening in Israel forced him to a challenge, madness of faith.

It would be great for everyone if it rained, however, the spiritual corruption, blindness, the division of faith. Everything would continue as it always did. Elijah wanted more!

The order was to go to Ahab and announce the rain. Elijah went for all or nothing. Because he wanted more, he did more! And God, who would pour down the blessing of rain, manifested Himself with fire.

If your life is not forcing you to a challenge, it’s because you can still take it a little longer.

The Israel Challenge is for those who are revolted, those who can no longer take so much shame, humiliation, and despair in their soul.

If much more than a shower of blessings, you want the Fire of the Holy Spirit, take up this challenge of faith, all or nothing, life for life!

Those who were unbelievers, those who were between two thoughts, when they saw the fire, after the sacrifice and the prayer of Elijah, bowed and recognized that the Lord is the One True God. Those who persecute you today, mock your faith and call you crazy, will see the fire of the Altar and say: only the LORD IS GOD!

  • Bishop Edir Macedo 

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