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Depressed for Five Years

Read the Story of Lisa Grant

I used to attend The Universal Church some years ago, and for some reason, I stopped and went to live my life far from God. My life started getting worse. I was married, my marriage fell apart, and I had issues with my family. All this led to being depressed and having anxiety and anger issues. Family meant a lot to me, and with the depression, it no longer did.

I was depressed for at least 5 1/2 years. For the first four months, I was so depressed that I started having suicidal thoughts. I couldn’t breathe without hurting. I didn’t feel loved, and I didn’t feel lovable even though I had my children. They meant everything to me, but that wasn’t important to me anymore.

I just wanted the pain to stop. I contemplated different ways to commit suicide, but one thing always stopped me: my children. One day, I got off work, and I felt like walking on the tracks, and if the train came, I wouldn’t feel hurt anymore. But then, I stopped and thought, “If I do this, I’ll leave my children behind, and who will take care of them?”

I decided to put on a mask by getting dressed every day and smiling as if all was well to motivate me to move forward. I put on an act every day, but it didn’t work. So I said, “Let me see therapy; maybe that will help.” But still, it didn’t.


A Cryout to God for Help Followed by Actions of Faith

Then one day, after 5 1/2 years, I finally prayed, and God spoke to me and said, “Try Me! Come back to Me.” I decided to return to The Universal Church, and that was on a Friday. I received a prayer of deliverance, and still, I didn’t want to stay. Instead, I wanted to run but would always receive a call or a text from the church. I eventually started the Chain of Prayer. I participated in the Campaign of Israel, and today, I am entirely free from depression, anxiety, and anger issues.

I’m no longer hurting, and I can genuinely love my children, and most of all, I love myself. I feel at peace when I breathe; it feels incredible. I had an experience with the Holy Spirit to the point that people who don’t know me say they see the peace in me, and all I can do is thank God for that.

I can’t even reflect upon what I went through. Being angry, having heartaches and pains because of anxiety, and being depressed for so long are no longer my norm. I can enjoy my children; they see a difference in me, and that’s the most crucial part: they can see the difference. They no longer see their mother walking around depressed and angry, and they’re happy. I get hugs all the time. I get told, “I love you,” all the time. I’m going to church, and I’m now focusing on God. He is so real in my life.

– Lisa Grant

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