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Protect Your Children Online This School Year

It’s Time for Back to School

It is true that there are criminals all over the world and it is very difficult to protect our children. But it is precise because criminals are so present in society that parents need to pay close attention to everything their children do, including on the internet. Nowadays it is too easy for children should be left by themselves.

parents have the duty to protect their children from the evil of this world. While this isn’t possible 100% of the time, it has to be done as much as possible. Supervising children’s behavior on social networks, for example. This practice, despite being “annoying” for children and teenagers, can prevent him from becoming a victim to predators online.

Nowadays it is too easy for a child or young person to access the internet. With school starting, for many children, it will be a necessity to go online

Although many children don’t like parents to impose limits and rules, children need them.”For this reason, parents must act together to determine certain limits and rules for their children, for their good. Communicate these rules well to your children and don’t be afraid to apply them. And always remember that the goal is to protect them from the world and from themselves.

  • Universal News. Ed 412 

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