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Shattered, but I’m Not Broken!

Will the Stats Dictate Your Future? The Choice Is Yours

According to studies by Washington’s College in Prison Program, 59% of ex-inmates do not have anything going for them after leaving prison, and 41% of ex-inmates either find an education or employment after leaving prison. Now I ask, is this stigma entitled to everyone? Or is the choice of each ex-inmate what determines their future?

We all have a choice and free will that was given to each one of us, and with that power and freedom, we can choose what we do with it. You do not have to be apart of the 59% that stays down; you can decide to make something out of your life even while being incarcerated. While behind bars, inquire about programs offered for your education, ask about getting a job, do voluntary work to keep yourself busy. Inmate, you do not have to settle; you do not have to make your current circumstance your worst outcome. You can be better than what you are now, but the choice is yours. You decide if you want to start to do better while behind bars or remain the same person or even worse than when you went in.

What will be your source to motivate you?

Faith is to believe in something before we have even seen it happen. Faith is hoping for the better even while facing a storm. Have you been using your faith lately? The power is in your hands; you just have to use it in the right way to provoke the change you want to see taking place in your life. Do not accept to be part of the majority, but be part of the few that make the difference in their life after incarceration. You are capable!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)


Feeling lonely inmate? Write to us, we are here for you! Include the following in your letter: 1. State in your letter, what you would like Bishop Bira to pray for. Example: finances, health, family, love life, etc. 2. Be sure to include your city and state in your letter.  3. Make sure you address your letter correctly to: The Universal Church   7075 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77074


“I Was Incarcerated More Than 3 Times”

My name is Anthony. From a very young age, I remember being involved in crime. I lived a life on the streets, and over the course of my criminal journey, if I can say, I was incarcerated about four to five times. I had many charges on me. To name a few, I was charged with assault, assault and battery, possession of a firearm, stolen vehicles, and also drug charges. I served a total of 13 years since I was in juvenile hall to adulthood in prisons. I wasted my life getting involved in crime, and I wanted to change. While in prison, I always dreamed that I would be home with my children to be the father figure they needed and not go back to prison, but it never worked out that way. I just didn’t have the strength at the time to do better. Being behind bars never made me a better person; I became worse because I was gang-affiliated, and there were some people I knew from the gangs, which did not help me to change. I had to make a decision to either keep running with the wrong crowd or to change for the better. When I made my choice and decided to really give my best to change, that’s when I came to The Universal Church. Nothing happened overnight; it was a long road and at moments, very frustrating, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to change or do better. But, today I am here happily married, united with my children, I have a stable career and above all, I know that the presence of God is with me.

  • Universal News Ed. 387 

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